Gerbang Batas Kota Gapura Nuraga

SARAT MAKNA: Lawang Sanga atau Nawa Gapura Marga Raja di Kampungan Mandalangan, Kelurahan Kasepuhan.-ADE AGUSTINA-RADAR CIREBON

CIREBON - Cirebon is a city rich in history and heritage from the past. That is also what attracts academics and researchers to come to Shrimp City. It's not instant, research is carried out over years.

Among them, lecturers from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Pasundan University (Unpas) Bandung conducted research on Lawang Sanga in Mandalangan Village, Kasepuhan Village.

The two lecturers had the opportunity to meet the Acting Mayor of Cirebon Drs H Agus Mulyadi MSi yesterday. Namely, Unpas Visual Communication Design (DKV) lecturer Dr Fadhly Abdillah SSn MDs and lecturer at FSRD ITB Crafts Study Program Dr Hendhy Nansha SDs MSn MH.

The research was conducted for 4.5 years. Fadhly provided the results of research on Lawang Sanga or Nawa Gapura Marga Raja which was recorded in the Pangeran Wangsakerta manuscript. Meanwhile, Hendhy allows his typical Cirebon Hot Rod vehicle to be used at important events in Cirebon.

"As a result of 4.5 years of research, I made a drawing of a design model for the city boundary gate, namely Gapura Nuraga. "And thank God, the Acting Mayor said he wanted Gapura Nuraga to be realized," said Fadhly.

The 1995 alumnus of SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon City said that development in Cirebon City would be more alive if it involved various elements of society who really understand history and culture.

Meanwhile, Acting Mayor of Cirebon Agus Mulyadi appreciated the results of the research carried out by the two lecturers. He hopes that this plan will receive acceptance and support from various parties for the development of Cirebon City.

"Hopefully we can join hands with the Cirebon City Government to make all this happen, thank you for your real contribution to the City of Cirebon," he said.

For your information, Lawang Sanga is one of the historical buildings in Cirebon City. As the name suggests, it is a building that has nine doors. From the number of doors on the Lawang Sanga site, it turns out they have their own meaning. The Lawang Sanga site is guarded and cared for by a caretaker or kuncen. (ade)

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