Ternyata Ini yang Membuat Jongkir Penjual Bambu Laris dan Banyak Pesanan

LARIS: Penjual bambu di Kelurahan Watubelah Kecamatan Sumber, Jongkir mengaku omzetnya naik saat momen Pemilu 2024, kemarin.-CECEP NACEPI-RADAR CIREBON

Currently, towards the end of the campaign, he continued, the bamboo that political parties still often buy is bamboo that has been split and ready to use.

"Usually, bamboo is used to install small to medium APKs such as banners and billboards," he said.

In fact, Jongkir also provides APK installation services. So, later the political parties just have to install them in the desired places.

"I also use ready-to-use bamboo worth IDR 75 thousand per bunch. "One bunch of split bamboo contains 100 stalks," he explained.

Even though the stall where he sells bamboo is still contracted, the bamboo sales business that he has been running since 2014 has already made quite a profit.

From the results of this business, Jongkir admitted that he was able to buy empty land covering an area of 1050 square meters seven years ago. (cep)
