Tenaga Honorer Tinggal 1.300


“Harapannya tahun ini tenaga honorer bisa diselesaikan. Tapi kami akan lihat kuota dari Kemenpan untuk CPNS dan PPPK untuk Kota Cirebon berapa,” imbuhnya.


English Version

CIREBON - The government plans to open a selection process for 2.3 million candidates for state civil servants (CASN) throughout Indonesia. this 2024. Consisting of prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).

The Cirebon city government (Pemkot) is still waiting for the number of formation quotas given by the central government.

Including, whether the formation given is whether there are vacancies for CPNS, or only PPPK like the vacancies opened by the city government in the last two years.

However, the focus of the Cirebon City Government is to complete the remaining non-ASN personnel who have served in all regional apparatus, to obtain formation opportunities for these non-ASNs, so that selection vacancies can be opened.

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Head of the Cirebon City Personnel and Human Resources Agency (BKPSDM), Dra Sri Lakshmi Stanyawati MSi, revealed that the Cirebon City Government is currently proposing the formation requirements to the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment & Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB).

Head of BKPSDM Cirebon City Dra Sri Lakhsmi Stanyawati MSi said, from data registered in the BKN database, the number of non-ASN personnel in Cirebon City is 1,945 people.

According to him, this number has decreased, because there are many who have passed the selection and were appointed as PPPK in 2022 and 2023.

"The government plans to open three CPNS/PPPK selections this year. "But it depends on regional readiness to implement it," he said Friday (2/2).

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According to him, BKPSDM is still matching data on non-ASN personnel with the number of honorary personnel who have passed the PPPK selection some time ago.

“Currently there are just over 1,300 remaining honorary staff. "We are still moving to propose the amount needed to the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform," he said.
